Tuesday, March 8, 2016

London - The Agency Lifestyle

It's a Step Up from Cubicle Hell
The UK office of our department shares space with some of our ad agencies.  What a difference that makes.  Both Saatchi and Leo Burnett share the building.  After a hard day, you can take the elevator to the pub for a drink.  Matter of fact, this is London so you can drink any time of day.

You see, when you're recruiting and trying to keep the design-ee types that spend their day coming up with snappy copy to sell greater numbers of Pampers, you have to tick the boxes.  First, a post-industrial office that has been modernized in all the right ways.  Ours is in a converted paper factory.

Helps to have a cafeteria with a floating staircase and mood lighting.  You can get a proper hot lunch as long as you line up in the right line.  When you don't there's this bloke with slicked back hair and a white apron who yells at you.  "Oi, dare are free lines, not two, yeah?"

Before 9am toast and all the fixings are free.  I timed my daily walk to take advantage of this.

There are cool murals on the walls and the latest pop music on the loudspeakers.

Design-ees like to be reassured that their three squares have the proper provenance.  God forbid your Quinoa salad wasn't sourced directly from a farmer named Omar along the Nile.

Then, once you've digested, no rush back to work.  Stop, relax, play a game of foosball or pool - you never know when that next great ad idea will hit you.

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