Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Global Superstar Lifestyle

Pros and Cons
I live in NY, work in Paris and visit my girlfriend in Singapore when she's not with me. I am, as you can imagine, a global superstar living the glossy magazine life. Of course, I'm naturally cool with movie-star looks and a brain full of advanced thoughts. I brag to anyone who'll listen, which at this moment, happens to be you. I mean, come on - it's almost not fair. Check out today's office: an outdoor cafe in downtown Singapore, mid-80s temperatures. It's snowing in NY and probably raining in Paris. Now, if you believe all of this hype, let me give you some of the realities.....

I rarely get to be in NY, though I still have an apartment there. Most of my NY friends simply think of me as a guy who emails from time to time. Moviestar looks? Yeah, right - pure fiction. My brain is almost always full of lazy thoughts - shortcuts I can take, ways to procrastinate or even better - how to avoid doing anything at all. My girlfriend is hot, though, so that's a plus. And I do enjoy cafe-sitting in the warmth, pretending to work. Later, at midnight, on a conference call with Paris I will curse this remote working lifestyle. So, in the end it's not a superstar lifestyle but it's not a boring one either. I'm lucky and I know it. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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