Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bangkok - Massage Heaven

Hand to Back Combat
As embarrasing as this is to admit, I'm a coward when it comes to being naked. I don't even like being naked alone in the shower, but I go through with it since it's the best way to get clean. I've felt like this my whole life, I'm not sure why. Fear of a small package, perhaps? I'm a grower, not a shower (at least that's what I tell myself.) Once in Bombay I got an olive oil massage wearing nothing more than an eye patch on my johnson - it wasn't the most relaxing experience. What a revelation Thai massage is - you get to wear loose fitting clothes! Sign me up!

Pingles looked forward to coming to Bangkok for this reason more than any other I can discern. She booked us for a traditional massage at one of the swankier spots and even so - it was only around $25 for both of us for an hour. After a quick shower and a change into their baggy pjs I lay down and waited for the pain, umm, I mean pleasure to begin. I'd never had a Thai massage before so I didn't know what to expect. I'd describe it as a cross between sleeping and losing a wrestling match. They rub you but they also stretch you - way further than my particular body parts wanted to. But what a magnificently relaxing experience. I snoozed (and snored) through part of it, I'm told. I'm a convert.

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