Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's That Time of Year Again...

The End of One Signals the Start of Another
Yesterday evening was the 12th day of Christmas. It's celebrated today two ways: first, it's the day to eat the Galette des Rois (King's cake) and second, it's the first day of the soldes (sales.) I went all out this year and bought a Galette des Rois and shared it with my colleagues. Read about that here. If you recall, there are only two times a year when the major sales happen...

Every single store in Paris advertises that fact - you cannot miss it.

The sales last around 6 weeks. Expert shoppers tell me that it's all about the waiting. At first, they slash the prices a bit. Then a week later, more slashing. A week after that, even deeper slashing. Everyone keeps his eye on something and waits and waits. Don't wait too long - it could sell out! Me? I got my eye on nothing, not one thing. Even at max slash, NY is cheaper.....

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