Saturday, July 18, 2009

American Commercials

The Distance Only Makes em Scarier
I do a pretty good job avoiding all commercials. I think commercials and the people who make them are lower than crustaceans. This, of course, makes my working for an advertising agency all the more ironic. Anyway, here I am in Paris with my laptop wired up to the tv so I can watch American television, especially golf. The downside? I don't have a remote. This makes avoiding commercials difficult since I'm usually too lazy to get up and fast forward on my laptop - a delicate operation.

They're even scarier when you've been away from them for a spell. Based on a few hrs of watching, everyone in America is a pill-popping, overweight, debt-riddled depressive who needs to be told what to eat every time he opens his mouth. The ads for various and sundry drugs for weight-loss, depression and male "enhancement" cascaded across the screen. Puffin was next to me and it was embarrasing, truth be told. What a strange country America has become.

1 comment:

Sal said...

In the research phase for my genealogy book, I got to read a lot of old newspapers (pre-1900) and often found on the FRONT page ads with pictures for trusses and other unmentionables. Not as bad as "male enhancement" ads, I agree. But in the US of A, if it's any good at all, people will buy it. The corollary is worse: if nobody buys it, it's not worthwhile. That's scary!