Friday, December 23, 2011

Singapore - the Study

Workaholics Unite!
First piece of furniture - the desk for the study.  Sad, isn't it?  No couch, no tv, no dining room table.  Nope, first up - the work table.
It's a dning room table made from an Indonesian hard wood.  The top is a solid slab about 4 inches thick.  It took 5 workers to drag it on a comforter from the front door to the study.  They assembled it inside the study because it wouldn't have fit through the door.  I'm guessing it weighs close to 500 lbs.
It's not perfectly square - its longer on one end by about 7 inches.  The edges are not straight either - really unique.  Each of us can sit on one side and still look out the window.  There is a nice foot rest beneath.
We've ordered blinds but they don't arrive until after the new year.  We're using mahjong chairs at the moment, some day soon we'll buy some comfortable office chairs.


Sal said...

Pretty swanky looking desk. How many pounds is the floor rated for?? :-)

FN said...

@Sal - not sure. Guess I shoulda asked first?