Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Singapore - Multilingual PSAs

Public Service Announcements in Three Languages
The dog doesn't speak Chinese but the owner might....
I've been staring at these two photos trying to figure out which Chinese symbol means "poo."  I doubt anyone over here will tell me.
A few blocks away there's another in Tamil.
Just after I shot this I saw an old lady waiting for her dog to drop a load and she shoveled a newspaper under his tail.  I didn't have the guts to take the shot - it would've rounded out this post perfectly.


Sal said...

What is the penalty if a dog owner is caught by the authorities NOT picking up the poo? We have the "no-poo" law in Syracuse, but some knuckle-heads either don't know or won't do it.

FN said...

@Sal - they probably cane you to death and then hang you just to be sure! Funny, but something I learned is that if you live in government housing, you are allowed to have a dog, but not a cat. People here are protesting that it's "petist."

Sal said...

Darned right it's petist! Power to the kitties.

Sal said...

Come to think of it: dogs at least are trainable. Cats do the training on us humans.