Friday, October 29, 2010

Paris - The New Office

Shiny and New
This is as modern and nice as it gets in Paris I bet.  Bright and clean, big windows.
It's an open plan - remember this is still France, almost nobody has an office in this country.  My colleague Wayne sits right next to the window.
We have our own coffee room with free coffee - shocking as that was to me.  We have Wifi - another huge plus.  I can just pick up my laptop and go work from the coffee room, which I'll probably do.
Since this is France and since we are in the boonies now, the company by law has to provide a subsidized cafeteria.  We visited ours for lunch, which is in the basement shared with other companies in our building.  It's pretty good by cafeteria standards - there are chefs cooking on sight and you pick from a variety of hot meals.
It's large, taking up the entire footprint of the building.

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