Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gold Coast - Here We Come

Is it Vacation?
If you're unemployed, can you actually take a vacation?  "Vacation from what?" those around me ask.  I see their point, I guess.  However, this one was not my idea.  This is a Chan clan family vacation to Australia's "Gold Coast", just south of Brisbane.  There will be 8 of us: me, Jean, Mom, Sis, Sis's girlfriend, Brother, Sis in Law and Niece.  It's a surfer's paradise but since we'll be visiting in their winter, the highs will only be in the low 70's and much chillier at night.  We're taking a 10pm flight tonight and will arrive seven hours later.

We rented a five bedroom house inland as can be seen in the lower left of this photo.  We plan to visit the nature reserves, the local agricultural fair, spend a day in Brisbane and sip many of the area's fine coffees.  I'm taking my camera, of course.

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