Thursday, September 30, 2010

Brooklyn - On Being a Food Blogger

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing...
....but somehow the Puff List has reached the magical milestone of 10,000 pages viewed this month.  It's been exactly two years - I started the Puff List on Sept 15th, 2008.  Is 10,000/month a lot?  No idea.  I have learned a few basic facts, however.  First, it's hard work.  Sometimes it's hard work just overcoming the inertia to leave the house to go to a place and other times the words don't exactly flow.  Second, food blogging is like high-school: there is the cool crowd who only link and comment on each other's blogs and if you're not in that crowd, good luck getting any hits.  I think a lot of those folks read Puff List but they almost never comment or link to it.  I cannot figure out why - perhaps it's simply not good enough.  Last, I've been doing it for two years and even when I get frustrated I keep on.  Why?  I enjoy writing, I like the creative aspect of it.

People visit from all over the place.  This is a map from this month.  When I started all the views were from NY, then when I began to post from Paris, I began to get views from there.  Now, Singapore is the place that I get the most views from - which makes sense, it's the most food-crazed place amongst the three.  I don't get too many comments from readers - not sure why that is.  I expected to get a lot of negative comments but that rarely happens.
Close to 800 cities visited this month, but the top ten is fairly steady.  Here are the top ten cities from September.  Singapore recently took over the top spot.  So, where do we go from here?  No idea.  I might get a better camera and take some photography classes.  I guess I could take some writing classes too.  I could re-design the look and make it a bit more glossy, perhaps.  Or, I could leave it just as it is.


Dan said...

Perhaps you are being a tad modest

FN said...

@Pops - I don't think so. Matter of fact, I've been a bit lucky. The decision to put the name of the restaurant and the city in the title of my posts happens to be the best for "SEO." That stands for search engine optimization and it's the tricks that make your pages pop up in Google higher up on the list.