Saturday, March 13, 2010

Paris - the Shittiest Ciry

Keep Your Eyes Cast Downwards
This is the most romanticized city in the world. You tell someone you live in Paris and their eyes glaze over as they visibly swoon. They can't imagine navigating sidewalks full of dog-logs and pee-pools. It's an epidemic here. This is a shot right outside my front door.

In case you think I just happen to live in a bad hood, this stain is on the lovely rue St Honore in the 1st.

Multiple streams on rue Chabanais in the 2nd.

Doorway in the 4th Arondissement. Dog or man-made? Don't be surprised by the question - there's no Parisian shame of public urination.

I'm not really sure what the cleaners do all day. I see them speeding around in their green mini-cars and I even see them cleaning once in a while. Perhaps they're outnumbered?

Right after they buzzed past me I almost stepped in this fresh batch.

I've seen well-dressed Parisians, puffing on cigarettes, talking amongst themselves as they walked along the sidewalk, window-shopping and then POW, one of them steps right into some of this mess. It just doesn't make any sense. NY has a lot of trash floating around, but thankfully not this problem.


MaCherie said...

I've heard stories about this. Disgusting.

FN said...

@Mach - it sure is!