Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Costa Rica - The Quirks

Strikes, Daylight Savings, Traffic
I'm back in Costa Rica, my mind churning as it usually does, wondering "why don't I like this place?"  It's a mild dislike, similar to what I feel for tequila.  Costa Rica is a quirky place.  It seems better on paper - no army, democratically elected government, diverse geography, two oceans, mountains, etc.  When I got here the taxis drivers were striking against Uber, driving slowly and blocking traffic.  The violence of the response seemed to be out of proportion - police in riot gear cracking heads, making arrests.  Then again, after driving around San Jose for a few days I began to understand.

The sun rises at 5am and sets around 6pm - they don't have daylight savings here.  Kinda takes the fun out of the summer weather when it's pitch dark by 6:15pm.  I simply stay on NY time, I don't even change my watch.  I wake up around 4:30am CR time and drive to work.  That's the recommendation anyway - traffic is so bad here that you have to get to work prior to 6am.  I ignored that advice one day regretted it.  It's already hard to drive a car with a stick shift, holding a smart phone in one hand, glancing at it from time to time to follow the e-directions.  It's virtually impossible if you leave your hotel at 6am and have to contend with the local drivers and traffic.  There are no street signs in San Jose, without Google telling me where to turn - I shudder to think.  

The Dough is flying down Thursday night for a long weekend.  On Friday we're going to drive west towards the Pacific coast and stay in the funky tree house above.  It's situated in the middle of a mango plantation a few miles from the beach.  We'll hit the nearby national park, do some hiking, swim and hopefully I will forget about San Jose.  Hopefully I will come to appreciate this country.  I have a feeling getting out of capital will be the trick.

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