Saturday, May 3, 2014

Siem Reap - Money

Uncle Sam Rules
You can either pay in US Dollars or Cambodian Riel.  It takes a quick mind as you will be quoted a price in one or the other and often get change in both.  One dollar is worth 4,000 riel.  This is the first country I have been to that has no coins.  Or, rather, they are not used and I didn't see any.  If you are quoted a price of fifty cents you can either pay 2,000 riel or hand over a dollar and get 2,000 riel in change.

No matter how you pay, it's cheap.  Everything is cheap.  At 75 cents a can, I was paying the "tourist price" and was more than happy.  From 1975-1980 the Khmer Rouge abolished the currency, there simply wasn't any currency at all.  Suffice it to say, folks here still remember and prefer dollars to riel.

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