Sunday, April 14, 2013

Singapore - First Test Passed

Storm Survivor
The wind banged against the windows so hard that it woke me from my sleep.  I didn't think much of it - it was a typical full blast Singaporean thunderstorm with winds to match.  Then I thought about the trees and plants on the roof!  I was expecting the worst but to my surprise there was no damage at all - just a few old leaves knocked off.  Even more surprising was the effect it had - some of the trees had begun to bloom.

Even our newly bought morning glories were in full bloom.  We plan to try to grow these up each of the four trellis supports.  I've only bought one so far to see if it can survive.  So far, so good.  The birds visit every day and now we even have some butterflies and bees.  Quite fun!

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