Saturday, November 13, 2010

Manhattan - November Golf

Getting Lucky Late in the Year
I don't think I've ever golfed so late in the year in NY.  When I got home last week Che got my hopes up "keep Friday open, it's gonna be close to 60 degrees."  I didn't believe him but he was right.  Perfect reason for a half-day.  We played in New Jersey.
The new camera, with the right settings, is better able to capture moving images without any blur. 
As you can see, Che makes some interesting faces at impact.  We bet heavily and battled to the last hole.  I hit a 5-wood onto the final green from about 190 yards out to clinch the victory.  I won a dinner that he paid off immediately.  As we sipped our beers he said "I don't remember you having that shot last year.  I think I'm gonna go out and get myself a 5 wood."


Sal said...

Glad you guys can ditch work & enjoy a little play; you're getting a taste of life post-retirement.

FN said...

@Sal - don't tell anyone, but weather permitting we might try again this Thur afternoon....